Kamis, 05 Desember 2013

10 Tips to Keep Your Heart Healthy


 10 Tips to Keep Your Heart Healthy
 10 Tips to Keep Your Heart Healthy
Daily Mirror Online - Having a healthy heart is not easy , tidah many things you must do to maintain a healthy heart . What is more important is to make sure that you have a healthy heart for cardiovascular disease increased at an increasing pace .

1 . Move Your Body with Exercise Regularly
Exercising is very important for the heart because it helps reduce the risk of heart disease . In addition, exercise will also help keep your weight at a healthy level so it can still make the heart pump more efficiently .

Sports should not be heavy . Walking, house cleaning , or doing other sports that are not difficult to do .

2 . Eating Healthy Foods
Eating healthy meals each day will keep the heart healthy . Choose foods that are low in cholesterol , low fat , low salt and heart health in order to remain well preserved .

In addition , add the vegetables , fruits , milk , and grains into your diet harian.Sesekali can eat as you wish , but the rest you have to eat healthy foods that fit the needs of the heart .

3 . Avoid Smoking Habit
Everyone knows that smoking is a bad habit that is detrimental to your health and others.
However , many do not realize that smoking can affect the heart and blood vessels . If you want to stay healthy heart , then avoid smoking habits .

4 . Perform regular health checks
Visit the doctor for a routine health examination is an important thing that you should do .

Blood pressure and cholesterol levels is an important thing that must be controlled on a regular basis so that the levels are kept low to ensure healthy heart . Do routine inspections in order to ensure the health of your heart .

5 . Making Your Own Food
Instead of relying on eating out all the time or buy ready meals , cook your own home . This allows you to really control what goes into your dish so that you can make sure you use only the best materials .

6 . Eat fruits and vegetables
Eat fruits and vegetables that contain lots of vitamins that your heart needs such as spinach , avocado and nuts as well as reduce foods that have very high cholesterol levels .

7 . Reducing Drinking Alcohol
You should reduce or even not drink beverages containing alcohol . This is because alcohol can damage your heart muscle .

8 . Eat Nuts Healthy
Replace your snacks with nuts eating natural and healthy . Almonds , walnuts , and other nuts have been shown to lower LDL cholesterol ( bad cholesterol ) in the bloodstream .

Nuts are high in calories , so do not overdo the eating mengonsumsinya.Cukup little nuts a day can help protect the heart with healthy fats .

9 . Drink Green Tea Without Sugar , Carbonated Beverages Leave
Own brewed green tea and take it with you wherever you go , be it to work or simply visit the green taman.Teh contains antioxidants that are good for heart health by preventing damage to blood vessels .
Drinking two cups of green tea without sugar a day has been shown to have benefits for protecting heart health .

10 . Qualified Night Sleep
Research has shown that lack of sleep at night can cause heart damage . Work commitments can make a number of hours of sleep at night berkurang.Kurang sleep cause you have twice the risk of having a heart attack . Sleep for 8 hours a day , some people may need more than 8 hours .

Sleep is when the body restore itself. If you have trouble sleeping , try doing breathing exercises just before turning off the lights . People who get enough sleep more controlled weight and have better health .

Similarly, 10 Tips to Keep Your Heart Healthy Immediately you can practice the religion of the heart to function properly . Thanks :)

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