Senin, 30 Desember 2013

Healthy Diet Tips For Eyes

Healthy Diet Tips For Eyes - To have healthy eyes of course we have to choose a food that contains vitamins and protein for optimal eye health . Vision is one of the human senses are very vital . In everyday life the eye used to see things that are useful for human life . What kind of food suitable for the eyes ? Here are tips for a healthy diet for eyes as your recommendations .

The first tip is to increase the intake of foods containing antioxidants . Research suggests that people who consume enough antioxidants to have a reduction of vision much more than those who consume a lot of anti- oxidants . Antioxidants such as vitamin C found in fresh fruits , vitamin E in vegetable oils and other nutrients such as spinach or mustard greens .

The next tips are included in a healthy diet tips for the eyes is to eat whole eggs . Do not just eat the egg yolk or the white part only with an excuse to avoid the cholesterol content in it . Actually, people who consume two eggs each day will increase the content of lutein and zeaxanthin which circulate in the body without being increase bad cholesterol .

Eat more seafood because fish fat seafood is a key component to the nerve cells in the retina . Concentrations are found more in the retina than in other organs .

You may also consider supplements . Although it is best to get nutrients from fresh foods , but supplements help lower the risk of diseases that may come your way . The eyes are also associated with blood pressure . When blood pressure increases will result in damage to the blood vessels .

This damage affects the blood flow to the eyes and make it difficult for nutrients to reach the retina . Damage to the blood vessels can also complicate the body expel free radicals contained in certain foods . Reducing body weight will help a little blood vessels deliver nutrients to every organ of the body .

Body fat is a storehouse for fat -soluble nutrients in the water and the excess tissue can act as a conduit for nutrients eye protection . That was some healthy diet tips for the eyes as useful recommendations for you .

Fruit For Healthy Eyes

Fruit For Healthy Eyes
Fruit For Healthy Eyes
Daily Mirror Online - Eyes are the windows heart . So says the proverb says . It is true , of eyes we can represent all of the existing flavors . Eyes have meaning even humans can communicate only through eye contact . Eyes are also unable to hide a lie . How powerful functions besides eyes will be able to show us the beauty of the world . But you know what is good for the eyes ? Yes , the eyes need to be healthy and we will talk about the benefits of fruit for eye health .

Good to eat besides fruit , refreshing body and menyehatakan body , also has a myriad of other benefits . One is to improve the health of the eye . How can it be ? Yes , in the various types of fruit contained a dye component is referred to as beta carotene . Beta carotene can activate pro-vitamin A to vitamin A is good for eye health and improve accommodation . Beta carotene is found in fruits , especially yellow , orange or reddish . For example, is mangoes , papaya , oranges , apples , watermelon , melon . If berwanra red fruit , kunging , orange , orange seems clear already contains carotene , green apple and pear also contains beta- carotene in high enough levels .

In addition to improving the property , the presence of beta- carotene in the fruit is able to treat cataracts and even glaucoma . Efficacy of fruit for eye health are also played by the presence of such high levels of lutein found in kiwi fruit , banana , guava can also treat cataracts . High levels of vitamin C in the fruit can also strengthen the connective tissue in the eye area as well as improving blood circulation . Vitamin C also helps boost the immune system thus helping the body reduce the occurrence of infection in the eye .

Some fruits that contain essential oils such as olive , strawberry fruit good for the eyes , especially in the process of cleaning the eye and to treat eye inflammation . Also can treat cataracts . The content of folate , calcium and potassium in the several types of oranges , bananas , barking . How great for eye health benefits of the fruit .

Benefits of Tomatoes

Benefits of Tomatoes
Benefits of Tomatoes
Benefits of tomato ( Solanum lycopersicum ) to the body can be seen from various scientific publications . For example , Edward Giovannucci in the publication titled " Tomato Products , Lycopene , and Prostate Cancer : A Review of the Epidemiological Literature at the American Society for Nutritional Sciences" 2005 argues that there is still controversial about the benefits of tomatoes in preventing various diseases one prostate cancer .

Benefits of tomatoes as anti- prostate cancer is caused by the content of lycopene in tomatoes . Lycopene is also found in various processed tomato products and its variations , such as : pizza , tomato soup , ketchup , juices , salads , spaghetti sauce , salsa , tomato paste . A variety of processed tomato products is a source of lycopene bioavailability her better than fresh tomatoes .

Uniquely other fruits such as red grapes and watermelon also contains lycopene . In addition to prostate cancer , the benefits of lycopene is also thought to be felt for patients with breast cancer , gastric cancer , degeneration of cells of the eye due to age ( age - related macular degeneration ) , reduce levels of bad cholesterol , protect the skin from the fierce ultraviolet light , soften and beautify the skin , reduce skin wrinkles , etc. . In addition to lycopene , tomatoes are actually also contain beta -carotene , lutein , vitamin E , vitamin C , and flavonoids ( one of them : quercetin ) .

However, the results of the above studies contradicted by the results of research conducted by Etminan , M. , Takkouche , B. & Caamano - Isorna , F. (2004 ) and Schuurman , A. G. , ​​Goldbohm , R. A. , Dorant , E. & Van den Brandt , P. A. (1998 ) which concluded that there was no positive correlation between tomatoes and prostate cancer .

Benefits of tomatoes on lung cancer is still controversial . Some studies suggest beneficial but other studies conclude there is no positive correlation between the two ( tomato and lung cancer ) .

The results of epidemiological studies on the benefits of tomatoes is still need to be reexamined , considering to be effective and maximal , then there are a few things to consider : do a comprehensive assessment of the primary sources of lycopene , lycopene bioavailability counting , checking population with intake (intake ) products tomatoes are high , calculate the temporal pattern due to a single diet or blood measurements in a given period of time is not enough , large enough population to evaluate the relative risks , examine whether the benefits of tomatoes or lycopene is influenced by genetic factors , called genetic polymorphisms , especially with respect to DNA repair genes .

Know Lasik Eye Surgery

Know Lasik Eye Surgery
Know Lasik Eye Surgery
Daily Mirror Online - It used to be people who have blurred or fuzzy vision start small to large minus category must use the glasses as visual aids . When the category is getting big minus the eye lens kacamatapun thicker . It is sometimes very disturbing and difficult for users . But now that suffering can be relieved by a surgical procedure called Lasik surgery .

Lasik is Laser - Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis , a procedure to correct blurred vision or damaged using a laser beam . Let's know for Lasik eye surgery . Lasik is a surgery that permanently change the shape of the cornea to improve vision and reduce ketergantuangan people on the use of glasses or contact lenses .

For clear vision , the cornea and lens must be moved at a good bus amembengkokkan rays so that the image can be seen clearly on the retina . If you can not do that then the vision will be blurred . The blurring of vision is called the interruption bias . This disorder is caused by the difference between the shape of the cornea to the eye length .

Lasik uses ultraviolet laser light to remove corneal tissue and form new members so that the light can focus clearly on the retina . Lasik eye surgery causes the cornea becomes thinner . Lasik is a surgical procedure that is easy and does not need inpatient care for patients . This procedure only takes about 10 to 15 minutes. Anesthetic or anesthetic eye drops are used only kind that makes the surface of the eye become numb .

Lasik eye surgery to get to know is to know that the procedure is performed with the patient in the waking state . Only the patient will be given medication to make him comfortable and not tense or nervous . Lasik can be done to one eye or both at once in a single session operating procedures .

When the procedure takes place , a special automated knife or called mikrokeratome used to cut the eye tissue that interferes in the outer layer of the eyeball . Now this procedure has been widely known and used various types of lasers to form petals corneas . Petals is placed on the outside and the laser is used to re Formatting corneal tissue on the inside .

After the re-establishment is complete , the petals then secured and does not require stitches because the cornea will naturally hold the petals in place . The bandages will be placed outside the eyelids to protect the eye from the hand or rub together until the pressure ondisinya completely healthy again . Those are some things worth knowing are known for Lasik surgery for eyes .

5 Diet Tips While Vacationing

5 Diet Tips While Vacationing
5 Diet Tips While Vacationing
While on vacation maybe people would say forget about your diet for a while , enjoy the holiday and its food . As a result many people after a vacation home , gained weight more than before the vacation even if only done a few vacation days so that a diet that you 've done so far in vain . Should do is to stay on a diet , but not strictly . Here are 5 tips on diet while on vacation you can do and of course you can still enjoy your holiday .

1. Be Intuitive
No doubt the holidays are a time to enjoy different foods . Most of the more indulgent than you usually eat . But there is no need to excessively consumed at every meal . Eat before hungry and stop eating before satiety .

2. Stay Active
The holidays are a great time to get in a workout . This not only helps you feel better , it makes you move . Do not have to exercise to the gym . Dancing in the evening , go for a walk , and just find ways to move your body more than usual .

3. Choose a Healthy Snack
Look for opportunities to eat more fruits and vegetables , whether it's in a hotel room or a restaurant meal or a buffet . For example , we munch on apples or bananas between meals and snacks instead of choosing unhealthy and disturbing taste lunch and dinner .

4. Eat with Various Variations
The more variety of food choices , the more opportunities there are to improve nutrition and discover something new .

5. Enjoy Food
So when it comes to vacations , take time to eat quality food , socializing , and the focus of the food prepared . It is not about eating too much but about eating slow down and pay attention to the food consumed

Vacationing is no longer an excuse for not dieting . By doing 5 diet tips while on vacation this then the weight will be controlled and holidays can still be enjoyed without worrying scales will soar when you get back from vacation .

Sabtu, 28 Desember 2013

What's In A Nationailty Anyway? The Home Nations Agreement Explained

Adnan Januzaj - Subject of English international interest
To start off The Football History Boys would like to say we hope you had a Happy Christmas and wish you the very best for the New Year! However for me, whilst following the plethora of Christmas sport, there has been something that's been bugging me: as the World Cup approaches why are we having messy debates over foreign born players representing countries they reside in? It's something that needs clearing up and to do this we have to look at the Home Nations Agreement.

Now I'm not questioning the reasoning behind people being either for or against players representing neutralised countries, in fact I do think it's something that needs looking at; but what I'm not in favour of is seeing the high profile figures of the game getting the rules wrong. To understand the background of the debate lets look at some history... FIFA previously allowed a player to change his nationality, Real Madrid legends Ferenc Puskas and Alfredo di Stefano being the most notable examples who represented 2 and 3 sides respectively. Problems also existed upon the break up of former FIFA nations such as West Germany, USSR and Yugoslavia. Players were eligible to represent 2 nations which got confusing and often difficult as countries once split or united had a history of animosity toward each other.

Ferenc Puskas played for Hungary and Spain

In 2004 FIFA decided a change was needed to make its policy different as many nations, particularly in Africa and Asia were giving citizenship to footballing immigrants with no connection to the country in order to call them up to the national side. The new ruling ordered that a player must have a "clear connection" to the country they wished to play for, giving us the current state which people understand as needing a parent or grandparent to be from the country if they were not born their themselves. Added to this a player is able to play for a national side if he had lived in the territory for 5 years after reaching the age 18, all these include the ability to play for a different senior side to the one represented at youth level if the application for change was placed before a player's 21st birthday.

To add to the confusion there are a number of Non-FIFA nations who have international sides, Gibraltar (who have recently just been accepted), The Basque Country (represented by the likes of Ivan Campo) and The Isle of Wight to name a few have all played fixtures where players will not effect their status in regards to FIFA.

So, that's the rules set out by the world governing body and it is this 5 year residence rule that excites England fans at the prospect of Manchester United's Adnan Januzaj and most recently Southampton's Morgan Schneiderlin being eligible to don the white strip. However, for the home nations (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) it is not that simple, the Home Nations Agreement exists. This is an agreement that exists to stop situations such as the one that surrounded goalkeeper Maik Taylor. Taylor was born in Germany but his English father gave him British citizenship, using this he chose to represent Northern Ireland despite not having any ties there. This is where to wording of "territory" became important meaning his (grand)parent would have had to be from Northern Ireland for him to have any chance of representing them.
Maik Taylor - Not even slightly Northern Irish
Whilst Taylor was successful there were a number of unsuccessful attempts such as Nacho Novo failing to play for Scotland and a number of Northern Irish efforts, to clear things up further a new agreement was draw up in 2009. This closed the loophole of having a British passport allowing eligibility for 4 national sides and also removed the residency clause. This was instead made an 'education clause'; therefore a player must have engaged in 5 years of educations in a territory before the ages of 18 to be considered.

These education laws are what scupper England's chance of agreeing for Schneiderlin or Januzaj to join up with the national side and these won't be the first either. You may recall England's failed attempts to call up Mikel Arteta or Manuel Almunia who would both otherwise qualify under the FIFA guidelines but fail due to the Home Nations Agreement. It's not just England who miss out though, as a Wales fan I was once excited about the prospect of Angel Rangel, Swansea's adopted Welsh full back and someone who has professed his love for the country by even doing homeless work here planning for us but this was turned down as per the agreement.

Is this something that we should be looking at though? Jordan Rhodes and Andrew Driver (who was actually only 4.5 years educated in Scotland) both turn out for Scotland despite no family ties while Ben Turner and Ryan Shawcross both turned down Wales despite eligibility because they felt no connection to the nation (something I respect immensely).

Ben Turner (Topless) turned down the chance to represent Wales
On the continent there are countless examples of players ignoring their birthplace to pick a new nation: Pepe & Deco Brazilian born who played for Portugal, numerous German national team players including Lukas Podolski who was born in Poland, Marcos Senna Brazilian born who won the European Championship with Spain in 2008 and Mauro Camoranesi, Argentinian born Italian World Cup 2006 winner who only qualified for the Azzurri through a great-grandparent.

The latest example of a player defecting to a new side is Diego Costa of Atletico Madrid who used the residency rule to turn his back on Brazil (to their dismay) and join Spain as the World Cup approaches. This made me personally extremely excited as the prolific goal scorer looks set to lead the Spanish line and solve the problem of a forward player that has even seen Cesc Fabregas take the 'false number 9' role in the absence of an in form Torres/Soldado/etc. This though, is because I am backing Spain, Del Bosque and Diego Costa to tear things up and make history (again)... how I feel about this type of defection in general though is much more murky.

One angry blogger for Eurosport on Yahoo's website calls for a scrapping of the Home Nations Agreement to allow England to level with the rest of the world. I do agree that this extra clause puts the Home Nations at a disadvantage on the national stage but I also want to see in an ideal world a country represented by for example, Welshmen (even if this mean harms the quality of a side). Cardiff fans sang to Wales captain Ashley Williams in the South Wales Derby "Ashley Williams, you're not even Welsh", someone who has played 230 times for Swansea but was in fact born in Wolverhampton.

The angry blogger makes the point of how do you define a nationality as it is just a legal relationship between a person and a state? Fair point, it causes plenty of arguments too, take the Boateng brothers for example: both born in Germany but while Jerome represents them Kevin Prince elected Ghana causing a family rift. Thiago Alcantara, Brazilian parentage, Italian born but chose Spain after spending most of his life there, his brother Rafinha though chose Brazil... While these two are still best of mates I don't imagine it was an easy decision for them.

The Alcantara brothers at Barcelona

Do I have a conclusion? Not really, I just thought and wrote... My opinion would be that you should represent your nation of birth/parents birth or, if you've lived there a good amount of time under 18 (or maybe 21) similar to the Home Nations Agreement that country. Grandparents is too tenuous for me which is why Ben Turner rejecting Wales on that basis despite no real chance of England selection made me very happy. I've lived in Wales to Welsh parents since the day I was born, I'm Welsh but even if my parents were English and I had a shot at both (I wish!) 20 years of living in Wales would be enough to settle it.

To the angry blogger (who incidentally doesn't think Januzaj should wait for England), stop being envious of other national sides and look at your own. St George's Park is a superb facility, one that finally compares to the great countries and with the likes of Adam Lallana (ok no Iniesta but still... you won't win the World Cup even with him!) making waves then there's no reason to look further afield. One thing is for certain, this debate will rumble on and on for years to come!

What your opinion on the matter??

Gareth TFHB (Follow me on Twitter @GJ_Thomas & @TFHBTop250 and like our Facebook)

(Pictures not owned by The Football History Boys, used with thanks)

Jumat, 20 Desember 2013

Jadwal Tayang Film Bioskop 2014 Lengkap Terbaru

Film Hollywood akan selalu ditunggu tanggal rilisnya di tiap tahun. Di tahun 2013 lalu, menghadirkan banyak kumpulan film terbaik di dunia perfilman yang bagus dan tentunya berkualitas, baik film Barat maupun film Asia. Di tahun 2014, juga ada banyak film-film box office pilihan yang layak untuk ditonton. Mulai dari film dengan genre action, horor, thriller, komedi, animasi, drama, science fiction (scie-fi), superhero, dan lain-lain semuanya ada. Film-film produksi Hollywood ini tentunya akan siap mencuri perhatian penonton dari seluruh penjuru dunia. Para pecinta film dan movie sejati pasti akan selalu mencari update terbaru tentang jadwal rilis film barat dan film box office terbaru di tahun 2014 ini, baik di Cinema XXII / Cinema 21 atau di bioskop-bioskop lain di tiap-tiap kota yang ada di Indonesia, baik di Jakarta maupun di kota-kota lainnya.

Jadwal Tayang Film Bioskop 2014 Lengkap Terbaru

Di tahun 2014 ini ada beberapa film pilihan yang sayang untuk dilewatkanl, seperti Noah atau Godzilla. Selain itu juga ada sekuel film yang sebelumnya sudah sukses, seperti sekuel ketiga dari The Hungers Games yang berjudul Mockingjay Part 1, lalu juga ada film sekuel Transformer 4, The Hobbit : Back and There Again, The Amazing Spiderman 2, atau film animasi How to Train Your Dragon 2. Lalu film-film apa sajakah yang akan rilis di tahun 2014 dan tanggal berapa dirilisnya?

Berikut Jadwal Rilis Film Hollywood di Bioskop Tahun 2014 selengkapnya :

Jadwal Tayang Film Bioskop Bulan Januari 2014

  1 Januari : Devil's Due
  3 Januari : Paranormal Activity 5, The Amityville Horror: The Lost Tapes
10 Januari : Lone Survivor, Jessabelle Echo, Ghosts Grudge Match
17 Januari : The Book Thief, The Seventh Son Ride Along The Nut Job
24 Januari : 10, I Frankenstein 
31 Januari : Labor Day, Are We Officially Dating?

Jadwal Tayang Film Bioskop Bulan Februari 2014

  7 Februari : Robocop, The Lego Movie
14 Februari : Three Days To Kill, The Maze Runner, Blood Sisters, Vampire Academy
21 Februari : Pompeii Almanac
28 Februari : Non-Stop

Jadwal Tayang Film Bioskop Bulan Maret 2014

  7 Maret : 300: Rise of An Empire, Mr. Peabody & Sherman, All You Need Is Kill 
14 Maret : Need for Speed, Walk of Shame 
21 Maret : Muppets, Most Wanted, Divergent 
28 Maret : Noah, A Haunted House 2

Jadwal Tayang Film Bioskop Bulan April 2014

  4 April : Captain America : The Winter Soldier, Dom Hemingway
11 April : Rio 2, Stretch Armstrong
16 April : Heaven Is For Real
18 April : Bears, Transcendence
25 April :  The Quiet Ones, The Other Woman, No Good Deed

Jadwal Tayang Film Bioskop Bulan Mei 2014

  2 Mei : The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Belle
  9 Mei : Legends of Oz: Dorothy's Return, Tyler Perry's Single Moms Club
16 Mei : Godzilla
23 Mei : X-Men: Days of Future Past
30 Mei : The Good Dinosaur , A Million Ways to Die In The West

Jadwal Tayang Film Bioskop Bulan Juni 201

  6 Juni : Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Edge of Tomorrow
13 Juni : 22 Jump Street, Jurassic Park IV
20 Juni : How to Train Your Dragon 2, Think Like A Man Too
27 Juni : Transformers 4 : Age of Extinction

Jadwal Tayang Film Bioskop Bulan Juli 2014

  2 Juli : Maleficent, Sex Tape
18 Juli : Dawn of the Planet of the Apes : Fire and Rescue
25 Juli : Hercules: The Thracian Wars, Jupiter Ascending

Jadwal Tayang Film Bioskop Bulan Agustus 2014

  1 Agustus : Guardians of the Galaxy, Fifty Shades of Grey
  8 Agustus : Dracula, The Hundred-Foot Journey
15 Agustus : The Expendables 3 
22 Agustus : Sin City: A Dame to Kill For

Jadwal Tayang Film Bioskop Bulan September 2014

12 September : Resident Evil 6
19 September : Dolphin Tale 2, When The Game Stands Tall
26 September : The Equalizer, The Boxtrolls, Popeye, Selfless

Jadwal Tayang Film Bioskop Bulan Oktober 2014

  3 Oktober : Book of Life
10 Oktober : Alexander and The Terrible, The Judge, No Good, Very Bad Day, The Interview
17 Oktober : Frankenstein
24 Oktober : The Kitchen Sink

Jadwal Tayang Film Bioskop Bulan November 2014

  2 November : James Bond 24
  7 November : Big Hero 6, Interstellar
14 November : Fury Secret Service
21 November : The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1
26 November : Home, Happy Smekday!

Jadwal Tayang Film Bioskop Bulan Desember 2014

12 Desember : Exodus, Tomorrowland
17 Desember : The Hobbit: There and Back Again
19 Desember : Despicable Me Minions
25 Desember : Night at Museum 3 : Brother From Another Mother, Annie, Into The Woods

Itulah informasi sekilas mengenai jadwal tayang film lengkap tahun 2014 terbaru. Jadwal rilis film tersebut dikeluarkan di awal tahun 2014. Maka tidak menutup kemungkinan jika kemudian terjadi perubahan tanggal rilis tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya, tergantung dari pihak yang terkait.


Selasa, 17 Desember 2013

Jadwal Lengkap Piala Dunia 2014 Brazil

Piala Dunia atau World Cup adalah event turnamen sepakbola, bahkan olahraga, terbesar dan termegah di dunia dan hanya diselenggarakan sekali dalam empat tahun. Pergelaran Piala Dunia selalu mendapat perhatian yang sangat besar dari seluruh masyarakat di dunia, termasuk Piala Dunia 2014 mendatang yang akan digelar di negara Brazil, yang merupakan negara dengan gelar Piala Dunia terbanyak, yaitu 5 kali juara. Drawing atau undian babak penyisihan grup Piala Dunia 2014 telah dilakukan. Total 32 negara peserta akan dibagi kedalam 8 grup yang masing-masing berisi 4 tim. Banyak bermunculan prediksi juara Piala Dunia 2014 mendatang. Tim-tim unggulan seperti Brazil, Spanyol, Italia, Jerman, atau Argentina masih menjadi favorit juara.

Kompetisi Piala Dunia 2014 ini sendiri akan dibuka lewat Opening Ceremony pada tanggal 12 Juni 2014 dan akan ditutup oleh Closing Ceremony pada tanggal 13 Juli 2014. Sebanyak 64 pertandingan, dari mulai partai pembuka di babak penyisihan hingga partai penutup alias babak final, akan digelar untuk menentukan negara manakah yang layak disebut sebagai juara dunia, setelah terakhir timnas Spanyol menjadi juara pada tahun 2010.

Jadwal Lengkap Piala Dunia 2014 Brazil

Di Indonesia sendiri, partai-partai bergengsi dari Piala Dunia bisa disaksikan lewat dua saluran televisi, TV One dan ANTV selaku official partner dan pemegang hak siar tayang resmi World Cup 2014. Bagi para pecinta sepakbola sejati, tentu tidak akan melewatkan momen siaran langsung dari Piala Dunia ini. Untuk itu akan kami tampilkan jadwal tayang lengkap pertandingan Piala Dunia 2014 seperti yang dirilis oleh FIFA.

Berikut Jadwal Lengkap Piala Dunia 2014 Brazil yang sudah disesuaikan dengan zona Waktu Indonesia Barat (WIB) :

- Jadwal Babak Penyisihan Grup Piala Dunia 2014 Brazil :

Grup A

Brasil vs Kroasia 13 Juni - Arena Corinthians, Sao Paulo, 03.00
Meksiko vs Kamerun 13 Juni - Arenas das Dunas, Natal, 23.00

Brasil vs Meksiko 19 Juni - Estadio Castelao, Fortaleza, 02.00
Kamerun vs Kroasia 19 Juni - Arena Amazonia, Manaus, 02.00

Kamerun vs Brasil 24 Juni - Estadio Nacional Mane Garrincha, Brasilia, 03.00
Kroasia vs Meksiko 24 Juni - Arena Pernambuco, Recife, 03.00

Grup B

Spanyol vs Belanda 14 Juni - Arena Fonte Nova, Salvador, 03.00
Chile vs Australia 14 Juni - Arena Pantanal, Cuiaba, 05.00

Australia vs Belanda 18 Juni - Estadio Beira-Rio, Porto Alegre, 23.00
Spanyol vs Chile 19 Juni - Estadio do Maracana, Rio de Janeiro, 05.00

Australia vs Spanyol 23 Juni - Arena da Baixada, Curitiba, 23.00
Belanda vs Chile 23 Juni - Arena Corinthians, Sao Paulo, 23.00

Grup C

Kolombia vs Yunani 14 Juni - Estadio Mineirao, Belo Horizonte, 23.00
Pantai Gading vs Jepang 15 Juni - Arena Pernambuco, Recife, 05.00

Kolombia vs Pantai Gading 19 Juni - Estadio Nacional Mane Garrincha, Brasilia, 23.00
Jepang vs Yunani 20 Juni - Arenas das Dunas, Natal, 05.00

Jepang vs Kolombia 25 Juni - Arena Pantanal, Cuiaba, 03.00
Yunani vs Pantai Gading 25 Juni - Estadio Castelao, Fortaleza, 03.00

Grup D
Uruguay vs Kosta Rika 15 Juni - Estadio Castelao, Fortaleza, 02.00
Inggris vs Italia 15 Juni - Arena Amazonia, Manaus, 08.00

Uruguay vs Inggris 20 Juni - Arena Corinthians, Sao Paulo, 02.00
Italia vs Kosta Rika 20 Juni - Arena Pernambuco, Recife, 23.00

Italia vs Uruguay 24 Juni - Arenas das Dunas, Natal, 23.00
Kosta Rika vs Inggris 24 Juni - Estadio Mineirao,Belo Horizonte, 23.00

Grup E

Swiss vs Ekuador 15 Juni - Estadio Nacional Mane Garrincha, Brasilia, 23.00
Prancis vs Honduras 16 Juni - Estadio Beira-Rio, Porto Alegre, 02.00

Swiss vs Prancis 21 Juni - Arena Fonte Nova, Salvador, 03.00
Honduras vs Ekuador 21 Juni - Arena da Baixada, Curitiba, 05.00

Honduras vs Swiss 26 Juni - Arena Amazonia, Manaus, 03.00
Ekuador vs Prancis 26 Juni - Estadio do Maracana, Rio de Janeiro, 03.00

Grup F

Argentina vs Bosnia-Herzegovina 16 Juni - Estadio do Maracana, Rio, 05.00
Iran vs Nigeria 17 Juni - Curitiba, 02.00

Argentina vs Iran 21 Juni - Belo, 23.00
Nigeria vs Bosnia-Herzegovina 22 Juni - Arena Pantanal, Cuiaba, 05.00

Nigeria vs Argentina 25 Juni - Estadio Beira-Rio, Porto Alegre, 23.00
Bosnia-Herzegovina vs Iran 26 Juni - Arena Fonte Nova, Salvador, 00.00

Grup G

Jerman vs Portugal 17 Juni - Arena Fonte Nova, Salvador, 00.00
Ghana vs Amerika Serikat 17 Juni - Arenas das Dunas, Natal, 05.00

Jerman vs Ghana 22 Juni - Estadio Castelao, Fortaleza, 02.00
Amerika Serikat vs Portugal 23 Juni - Arena Amazonia, Manaus, 02.00

Amerika Serikat vs Jerman 26 Juni - Arena Pernambuco, Recife, 23.00
Portugal vs Ghana 26 Juni - Estadio Nacional Mane Garrincha, Brasilia, 23.00

Grup H

Belgia vs Aljazair 17 Juni - Estadio Mineirao, Belo Horizonte, 23.00
Rusia vs Korea Selatan 18 Juni - Arena Pantanal, Cuiaba, 05.00

Korea Selatan vs Aljazair 22 Juni - Estadio Beira-Rio, Porto Alegre, 23.00
Belgia vs Rusia 23 Juni - Estadio do Maracana, Rio de Janeiro, 05.00

Korea Selatan vs Belgia 27 Juni - Arena Corinthians, Sao Paulo, 03.00
Aljazair vs Rusia 27 Juni - Arena da Baixada, Curitiba, 03.00

- Jadwal Babak 16 Besar Piala Dunia 2014 Brazil :

Juara Grup A v Runner-up Grup B
28 Juni Estadio Mineirao, Belo Horizonte, 23.00

Juara Grup C v Runner-up Grup D
29 Juni Estadio do Maracana, Rio de Janeiro, 03.00

Juara Grup B v Runner-up Grup A
29 Juni Estadio Castelao, Fortaleza, 23.00

Juara Grup D v Runner-up Grup C
30 Juni Arena Pernambuco, Recife, 03.00

Juara Grup E v Runner-up Grup F
30 Juni Estadio Nacional Mane Garrincha, Brasilia, 23.00

Juara Grup G v Runner-up Grup H
1 Juli Estadio Beira-Rio, Porto Alegre, 03.00

Juara Grup F v Runner-up Grup E
1 Juli Arena Corinthians, Sao Paulo, 23.00

Juara Grup H v Runner-up Grup G
2 Juli Arena Fonte Nova, Salvador, 03.00

- Jadwal Babak Perempat Final Piala Dunia 2014 Brazil :

Pemenang Pertandingan #49 v Pemenang Pertandingan #50
5 Juli - Estadio Castelao, Fortaleza, 03.00

Pemenang Pertandingan #53 v Pemenang Pertandingan #54
4 Juli - Estadio do Maracana, Rio de Janeiro, 23.00

Pemenang Pertandingan #51 v Pemenang Pertandingan #52
6 Juli - Arena Fonte Nova, Salvador, 03.00

Pemenang Pertandingan #55 v Pemenang Pertandingan #56
5 Juli - Estadio Nacional Mane Garrincha, Brasilia, 23.00

- Jadwal Babak Semi Final Piala Dunia 2014 Brazil :

Pemenang Pertandingan 57 v Pemenang Pertandingan 58
9 Juli - Estadio Mineirao, Belo Horizonte, 03.00

Pemenang Pertandingan 59 v Pemenang Pertandingan 60
10 Juli - Arena Corinthians, Sao Paulo, 05.00

- Jadwal Perebutan Tempat Ke-3 Piala Dunia 2014 Brazil :

13 Juli - Estadio Nacional Mane Garrincha, Brasilia, 05.00

- Jadwal Babak Final Piala Dunia 2014 Brazil :

14 Juli - Estadio do Maracana, Rio de Janeiro, 02.00

Itulah info mengenai jadwal Piala Dunia 2014 di Brazil selengkapnya. Jadwal tersebut telah disusun oleh FIFA, selaku badan otoritas tertinggi sepakbola dunia, pada akhir 2013 lalu, dan jika tidak ada perubahan, maka pertandingan-pertandingan Piala Dunia 2014 dapat disaksikan pada waktu sesuai jadwal tersebut. Anda bisa membookmark halaman ini jika perlu agar selalu tahu dan tidak ketinggalan jadwal lengkap pertandingan tim-tim favorit di Piala Dunia 2014 mendatang.

Senin, 16 Desember 2013

Arsenal Ladies: End of an Era?

In the past I have made no secret of my stance on the women's game, and the answer was not wholly positive. However, since Gareth and I founded +The Football History Boys in February, I am pleased to say my view has made a complete u-turn, in doing so I have discovered a fondness for the history of women's football, both past and present. One of the major female teams of the modern-day is the Arsenal Ladies, who just five years ago where described as "better than the men". The North-London team has dominated women's football in Britain and abroad for the last ten years, but the recent emergence of the game as a whole has driven the development of numerous challengers to their crown. Is this the end of an era for Arsenal's Ladies?

Arsenal Ladies are the most successful women's British football club of all-time, since their formation in 1987, they have gone on to win fourteen league titles as well as the Women's Champions League in 2007. Rachel Yankey, Faye White, Kelly Smith and Steph Houghton are too some extent household names for their exploits for club and country, exemplifying the emergence of a game which ten years ago was rarely talked about. The first part of the piece is to look specifically at Arsenal and their influence on the global surge of the sport, before dissecting whether the wider growth has hampered the side rather than helped them.

The team was founded in 1987 from within the men's side - a highly successful team in their own right at the time - it was kit-man Vic Akers, who became the manager of the team until his retirement in 2009. By 1987, women's football was beginning to grow, especially after the inaugural UEFA European Championships in 1984 & 1987, albeit internationally, but England finished runners-up in '84 and fourth in '87, prompting a rise in women's participation in the sport. In 1991, the Women's Premier League was formed with the Doncaster Belles topping an eight-team table. Arsenal, despite not being included in the division due to their infancy would still manage to win the League Cup defeating Milwall Lionesses in the process.

Successful Captain Faye White (1996-2013)
1992-2000: The following season brought Arsenal their first chance in the top-flight. The result? Winners. In fact it was not just the league title won by the team as a treble was completed following wins in the FA and League Cups. Arsenal had introduced themselves to the top flight and they were going to stay there! By the new millennium, Akers' side had added two more league titles (1995 & 1997), three more FA Cups (1995, 1998 & 1999) and continued their dominance in the League Cup, extending their trophy cabinet to compensate for four more (1994, 1998, 1999 & 2000). It is the FA Cup win in 1998 which provided the most recognition for Arsenal's Ladies, enjoying an open-top bus parade alongside the successful men's team who had recently completed a "double" of their own - The Premier League and FA Cup. The inclusion of the women's team seen as something of step in the right direction, with concern to the growth of the women's game.

2000-2006: Arsenal's dominance continued in the new millennium, further league and cup victories spearheaded the emergence of the team as a semi-professional outfit (they had been amateurs until 2002). The early part of the decade was a huge turning point in women's football, as mentioned in a previous blog, as the game began to improve drastically after the international exploits of US professionals Mia Hamm and Kristine Lilly, as well as the arrival of Hope Powell to the office of England Head Coach in 1998. Arsenal produced numerous players for the national team like Faye White, Karen Carney and Alex Scott with latter two eventually transferring to the US professional league for a brief spell improving their own games in the process.

Arsenal and England Legend Rachel Yankey
2007-: The 2006-7 season provided the most successful trophy haul in the clubs already illustrious history. Alongside winning all three domestic cups (four if you count the Community Shield), continental dominance was gained via victory in the Women's Champions League at the fifth attempt. Led by White, the side remained unbeaten throughout the tournament and spearheaded by an attack of Scottish international Julie Fleeting and Kelly Smith they managed to do something the men have never done - earn victory in Europe. A two-legged win over Swedish outfit Umea provided arguably the greatest moment in the team's history. In fact domestically, they even won every game in the league scoring 119 goals, conceded just ten. Since the 2007 season, Arsenal have continued to win numerous amounts of silverware - 5 Leagues, 4, FA Cups and one League Cup.

"Arsenal won the League for the ninth year running, and means that once again, it will be the women’s team, rather than the men, who are drawing the applause of the Emirates Stadium crowd as they parade their latest trophy." - Metro, 2012

But what about the main question of this article? Has the recent emergence of women's football as a whole provided  decline in the Arsenal Ladies? Firstly the formation of the Women's Super League (WSL) has catapulted football to the mainstream, even earning a financial jackpot in BT Sport's coverage. Coverage from BBC Three of the UEFA Championships has provided investment into the women's game shown with the rise of the Liverpool Ladies to the WSL crown, contested hotly by not Arsenal, but Bristol City Ladies. Even the sacking of Hope Powell, a women who revolutionized the game can be seen as progressive, too many near-misses proved not good enough for England and Great Britain in the 2012 Olympics.

Steph Houghton (left) and Team GB celebrate
I was lucky enough to be at the opening game of the Olympics, which saw a Steph Houghton free-kick beat New Zealand 1-0 in front of 25,000 fans in Cardiff. It was a large attendance for women's football and one which continued to grow for the remaining fixtures, until defeat by Canada saw any medal hopes dwindle in London. It is Steph Houghton which provides the reason for this wider question of Arsenal due to her recent transfer to Manchester City. Houghton was described by Jacqui Oatley after London 2012, as an "overnight success that saw her face splashed all over the national newspapers", an idea which seemed alien five to ten years ago. As well as shining internationally, she also has been a linchpin for Arsenal Ladies and their dominance. Houghton's transfer, which was main story news on the BBC Sport website means she joins fellow England internationals Toni Duggan, Jill Scott and Karen Bardsley at City, a transfer she believes necessary due to their plans for the future, plans that Arsenal, no longer under Vic Akers, lack.

It is not just Manchester City's spending which prompts the questioning of Arsenal Ladies. The aforementioned Liverpool Ladies also provide food for thought following their WSL title, which included a 4-0 away thrashing of Arsenal at the Emirates Stadium, another milestone in women's football as the men's ground was used, a notion which until the 1980s was not even possible following the FA's misogynistic rule of not allowing women to compete on FA grounds after 1921. The Liverpool Ladies, who have been intertwined with the men in the "one-club" mentality of the Merseysiders have symbolized the rapid, recent growth of the game, even training with Suarez, Gerrard and co in March at Melwood. This has made possible the signings of 2013 player of the year Natasha Dowie, international centurion Fara Williams and Iceland's Katrin Omarsdottir. It is a way of running the club which teams across the board can take notice of, even to some extent Arsenal, as Liverpool swept the board at the recent Women's Football Awards and proved themselves a side not likely to give up their crown any time soon.
Liverpool's "One-Club" mentality
"This is a football club for all, not just solely for the men, Liverpool Football Club is very much a one club mentality and that's right across the board from the seniors, the women and right the way through to our kids...Women's football is taken much more seriously, which it should be" - Brendan Rodgers

Of course many commentators would disagree with me, saying that Arsenal are still the major side in women's football, the overall WSL table (2011-2013) highlighting this. However, for me, the emergence of Liverpool and now Manchester City could be too great a rise for Arsenal to match in the near future. Their quite staggering history means I wouldn't write them off, but is this the end of the dominant era for Arsenal? Quite possibly.

Kamis, 12 Desember 2013

Daftar 10 Lagu Rock Terbaik Sepanjang Masa

Musik rock adalah salah satu genre musik terbesar dan terpopuler di dunia saat ini. Ada banyak aliran-aliran dari musik rock seperti alternative, classic rock, hardrock, metalcore dan lain-lain. Selain itu juga ada banyak band-band rock terbaik dan terpopuler yang telah menghiasi dunia musik, seperti The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Queen, Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Black Sabbath atau Deep Purple. Dan tentunya sudah banyak lagu-lagu rock terbaik yang dihasilkan oleh legenda band-band rock tersebut.

Tentu bagi pecinta musik rock tidak asing dengan daftar lagu rock terbaik di dunia yang banyak dibawakan oleh band-band dan penyanyi rock paling berpengaruh yang namanya sudah melegenda. Sebelumnya telah dibahas mengenai daftar 50 lagu terbaik sepanjang masa. Kali ini akan dibahas khusus mengenai lagu-lagu rock terbaik dan terpopuler dalam daftar 10 lagu rock terbaik di dunia.

Daftar 10 Lagu Rock Terbaik Sepanjang Masa

Berikut adalah Daftar 10 Lagu Rock Terbaik di Dunia Sepanjang Masa versi Zakipedia :

1. Led Zeppelin - Stairway To Heaven
Album : Led Zeppelin IV
Year : 1971

2. Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
Album : A Night At The Opera
Year : 1975

3. John Lennon - Imagine
Album : Imagine
Year : 1971

4. The Beatles - Hey Jude
Album : Hey Jude (single)
Year : 1968

5. Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit
Album : Nevermind
Tahun : 1991

6. Deep Purple - Smoke On The Water
Album : Machine Head
Year :1973

7. Eagles - Hotel California
Album : Hotel California
Year : 1977

8. The Rolling Stones - (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction
Album : Out of Our Heads
Year : 1965

9. AC/DC - Back In Black
Album : Back In Black
Year : 1981

10. Gun N' Roses - Sweet Child O'Mine
Album : Appetite for Destruction
Year : 1988

dan berikut lagu-lagu rock pilihan lain yang tidak masuk 10 besar :

Metallica - Enter Sandman
Aerosmith - Dream On
REM - Everybody Hurts
Journey - Don't Stop Believin'
U2 - One
The Police - Every Breath You Take
Black Sabbath - Paranoid
Joan Jett and the Blackhearts - I Love Rock N Roll
Deep Purple - Highway Star
Bon Jovi - Livin' In A Prayer
Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb
Oasis - Wonderwall
Rage Against The Machine - Killing In The Name of
The Animals - House of The Rising Sun
Queen - We Will Rock You
Radiohead - Karma Police
AC/DC - Highway To Hell
Boston - More Than A Feeling
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird
The Clash - London Calling
Black Sabbath - Iron Man
Jimi Hendrix - Purple Haze

Itulah info mengenai daftar sepuluh lagu rock terbaik dan terpopuler di dunia sepanjang masa versi Zakipedia. Lagu-lagu rock di atas telah melegenda dan tentu sudah tidak asing di telinga para pecinta rock dari seluruh dunia, termasuk di Indonesia. Meskipun begitu, penilaian di atas bersifat subjektif dan tentu akan berbeda tiap orang. Namun setidaknya 10 lagu rock tersebut layak masuk daftar 10 lagu rock terbaik dan terpopuler di dunia tersebut.

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